
Showing posts from December, 2017


There has been an exponential rise in the purchase of android devices. With this growth of android devices, the demand for the apps is constantly increasing. What are hybrid apps? Just like websites on the Internet, Hybrid apps are designed and developed using the web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Hybrid apps are similar to any other app on the phone. You can install and download them from the app store. The key difference is that hybrid apps are hosted inside a native application that uses mobile platform’s web view. This helps it to access all the capabilities like camera, accelerometer, sensors, contacts etc. Android Studio is an easy to use Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that is used to develop android and hybrid apps. One can develop hybrid apps by following these simple steps:- Design your Application The first baby step towards building hybrid apps is designing your project. Before you start the development process, it is advisable to make...

Chatbots Trends To Look Forward To In 2018

As per the present prediction , almost 50 % of enterprises will spend more on chatbots implementation as compared to traditional mobile app development by 2021 . Mobile app development companies  are helping the way out for small and medium size companies  by facilatiting them to cope up with new trending technologies like intelligence chatbots implementation powered by Artificial Intelligence . Chatbots are just the medium to chat via messages . If you think of , we all do chat by various available medium like Facebook messenger , WhatsApp . These all medium are really fast and reliable . Similarly chatbots can be implemented on business website and app to server their customer  directly through messages . Chatbots has the ability to change the way organisation do their business and server customers . So we are nearing the end of 2017 , we can do the recap of technological things we can do in 2018 . It's a good time to welcome 2018  , in the world ...

Importance Of Mobile App For Construction Business

What a new construction business needs is to have a strong foundation! But how construction business can have strong deep roots in the construction market? The Answer is through building mobile apps for the construction business. Now-a- days many construction companies who are not using the technology like mobile apps are running into loss. The construction industry has a huge financial and time loss. Due to high cost of paper, construction industries are running into loss. So, what can they do to make profits? They have to build apps for the productivity of their construction business. In the recent past, we have observed the revolutionized construction industry where the business entrepreneurs have started prioritising technology over everything else.  But there is still a set of people who are unaware of the new technology. The problems which are predominant are high competition, tight boundaries, skilled labour deficiency etc. End of papers… Move to mobile apps The ...

Apple Watch App Developer

A quick overview… Apple Watch is a wrist computer, fitness and a health tracker, a remote control, a notification system, a communicator — all in one. Apple watches sales estimates to put over 25 million Apple watches which makes it the most successful wearable device in the history. Topping the rolex in September 2017, it became the number one watch manufacturer in the world. It is the most exclusive smart-watch developed by Apple and it comes in 4 variants like Apple Watch Sport, Apple Watch, Apple Watch Hermès, and Apple Watch Edition. The apple watch is connected to IPhone through Bluetooth which enable it to perform its advanced actions. With the increase in the rise of Apple watch users, it has increased the demands for the Apple watch development in the business world. Apple Watch Series 3 GPS + Cellular offers all the latest, supreme features, which includes a bright display; it has LTE access for sending messages, using Siri, finding your way, and more; G...

Important Steps In Pre-Planning Of Mobile App Development

Launching of the app is obviously the most awaited day for any of the business owner and proper planning for launching should be conceptualised . App development has to undergo with various number of phases to get the bug free tested app to be launched in the marketplace . It is important to pre check the beta version of the app and ask question from your self that whether your app is bug free , does it fulfilling all its purpose for the purpose it was build , and the most importantly , does it satisfies the customer needs . Business environment is fully dynamic and is continuously changing with time . So while pre planning your launching of mobile app , always try to go with the present market trend to get ahead of your competitors . Pre planning has the following benefits  : Since the path is predefined , developers can plan for targeted audience and competition. It helps developers to focus on core areas .  It helps in proper cost analysis of the app .  It...

How Your Business Can Be Benefited From Using AI

Artificial Intelligence , one of the fastest growing technology is providing a vide range of infinite possibilities to  up skill their workforce . Artificial intelligence is is very innovative and transformative technology while comparing with any other technology . Some of the ways in which AI can help your business in growing are given below : Embrace Automation , Don't Resist AI is newly invented technology , and due to its innovative emerging technology , it can really change the way of doing your business . Starting from predicting the things and automatic question and answering to pointing the user to FAQ is an drastic change in world of business .  So changing with the technology of AI and implementing the same in your business will surely lead you to path of success . Get Familiar With AI AI has lot of endless possibilities , so choosing the one which best suits for your business will explore you more with AI . Implementing AI in your organisatio...

How Much Does It Cost To Create A Shopping App ?

Since online e-commerce is the new trend in the market these days , everyone wants to build these own store to make their way that can help you make increasing returns . Amazons , Flipkart and eBay are acting as a parent in motivating others to build their online presence . Think of customer who can get all the desired things together from a single marketplace, they why would they prefer someone else ? Now lets start with what is essential required for creating an online e-commerce mobile application : Imagine a life without an e-commerce industry . You have to find different store for different products  , and at the same time have to spend unnecessary time to browse and purchase the product . At the same time , that retailer might now have a vide range of options available to choose from . Because of the above deficiency , people love to shop online , where they can find the best product within their budget . Are you crazy of knowing how can how really set up your own o...

How Augmented Reality Can Benefit The Automobile Industry

Augmented reality creates the real life time experience by combining the real world with the virtual world . It extract the real world inputs such as audio , video , GPS and so on , to create a real life experience of the thing which is not physically present over their , with use of computer programming . This helps user to think off current perception of reality . Winklix developers are committed towards delivering the thrilling experience with use of AR on play store and app store . Apart from AR in retail , entertainment and so on on across various industries , AR brings on various opportunities in Automobile industry to  like : Voice control In hand Gestures Navigation and Geolocation for real time experience . Our team is dedicated towards delivering an app that can be used in giving unique experience that user will love to use . So in case you are looking for the same , you can right away contact us . Some of the advantages of AR are : Test Drive Through ...

When It Come's To Design , Process Is All It Matters

So you have been assigned with a branding project - it is really a challenging task for any of the designer in which you have a blank canvas in the field of infinite possibilities . Well your very first goal as a designer is to take the task as a challenge , and be crazy to start a new project which will welcome appreciation of your work , and you can showcase your best work to the world . In my 7 year of experience of working with various clients starting from startup to an enterprise client  , i have discovered series of designing techniques to deliver the best in designing . As a designer we should always think for the client , so that client can easily digest with the design and we can receive our appreciation part . Here is the R&D done during the day at Winklix ASSEMBLE THE TROOPS As a team leader in Designing Team in Winklix , I am a big believer in having a creative process , a process that can help the designer to perform best at their expertise level , an...

is IOT Ready For Service Industry ?

The answer to above question is yes . The IOT will help service industry to make use of innovative technologies , and replacing the use of complicated softwares in the house . The service system can use various objects within their ecosystem by making the use of the designing principle of Internet Of Things . The IOT has various benefits including sharing of information between objects , sensing pulse of customer for taking decision and many others . IOT can offer vide range of benefits starting from providing connecting services to most business , to facilitating credit card companies to check the credit level with customer location . It has also facilitated cloud based CRM and ERP , thus replacing the old computer based system of using CRM .Moreover the IOTalways brings out security , analytics and device management . Internet Of Thing based solution are are always serving the service industry with pleasure , thus simplifying the ease of doing and proving services . It ...

Impact Of Augmented Reality

In present world AR has become a more common place for entertainment . If you are a gamers , focusing on AR will increase your chances higher success of games with thrilling experience . Games like Pokemon Go went viral in very less time are also based on the concept of augmented reality . In present world , AG has gone beyond the doors of gaming and entertainment . Look at the popularity of it , a famous game trailer named ZombieGo has gained over 100 k views , as it is using AR in real world . This has focused developers and mobile app development companies to focus and believe on in the endless opportunities of AG , which is just the beginning of the whole new development . So let's look what exactly can AR go from here , and how well it can improve day to day life ?  AR Apps In E-Commerce E-commerce and AR might not seen like a cousin brother , but retailers and developers  are making a fast move towards implementation of AR in order to attract more customer . ...

How Chatbots Helps Business Improve Customer Service ?

The key to success for every business growth is satisfying customer experience together with satisfaction . Customer are getting smarter day by day due to emerging technology advancement . It is expected that by 2020 , than almost 80 % of the customer engagement with business would be without any human interaction . Chatbots are changing the way of communication of customer with brands , thus acting as a helping hand in achieving satisfying customer experience . Now lets have a look on how chatbots can help in improving customer experience : Chatbots provides quicker response There might be a situation that the organisation might take few business days to solve your query and provide you appropriate solution , even when you need a quicker response . This can be very frustrating as you might be in need of quicker response . Chatbots solves this problem by proving them immediate response . Customer are also greeted by welcome message as soon as they come in contact with...