Best Resources For Android Developers
No matter whether you are new to Android app development or is having some years experience , advice is needed at every point of time whenever you are dealing with new resources or new libraries , in order to simplify development life. 1) Organising Code All people have a different living style , and in the likewise all developers can't code in the same style , thus making it difficult to understand or flow with other developers code. Android app is coded in Java , Google Java Style Guide is recommended in order to cope up with Google's coding standard. 2)Using Libraries Not reinventing or recoding the same code again and again , is what every developers aims for .But at the same time , it is fact that for coding an awesome android application , a curated list of libraries , categorised by their functionality is must. Android Arsenal is where you can find a list of Android libraries, tools and apps , which can help your development process easier. 3)De...