Tips For App Store Optimisation

When it comes to ASO ( App Store Optimisation ) , you will be facing people saying ASO is somewhat similar to SEO only , while some might be saying ASO is completely different . But the trust is ASO is similar to SEO , in-fact ASO is far more interesting than the general SEO .

The purpose of ASO is discovering of your app to relevant and loyal user who will install and love to use your app . Some of the steps for perfecting your app store optimisation are given below :

Keyword Analysis

One of the first thing which need to be consider is keywords research , on which category you want to deal in . Suppose you are a jewellery shop , and your keywords are related to clothing store, then it will be of no use . So keyword is what you need to focus on to get find on the app stores and appear on the top of the searches . Choosing a less battled keywords will attract less but genuine people to download your app from app store .

Description Of App

App should have unique and catchy description as that will be the very first thing that a first time user will see after installing the app in their phone .Overloading your content with keywords is on the other hand is terrible approach for ASO .


Even before downloading the app , people will screen the screen shot of the application . Weird screenshots of the app will hesitate user to download it . Screenshot are now more used as an advertising platform , and thus make the most out of it .

Video Trailer

In order to make your app more catchy , video trailer for introduction of functionality of your app is necessary .Your trailer should allow user to see not only wha your product does , but also how creative your app is .

Reviews & 5 Star Rating

When user visit the app page , they are always keen on knowing previous user experience and review and rating . So always make sure to highlight positive reviews and reply to negative reviews immediately .

App Name

The app name should be easily rememberable , catchy and must also include leading keywords as part of your title . We know at this point you are thinking of character limitation on Google Plat store , but choosing the right name for your app will be the most important decision you need to take .

So we hope above point may have guided you a lot for app development . For more tips and tricks of ASO  , feel free to contact Winklix - where a highly qualified team of professionals are sitting to help you on all your needs  .


  1. Thank you very much for sharing such a nice and useful post for App Store Optimisation India, keep posting. Know more about here >App Store Optimisation India.

  2. How do people look at your company, do they not feel that your product is very expensive or not? Do they not feel that you are not worthy of trust? You will get the answer to all this only by monitoring your reputation. The best way to do this is to monitor the comments and queries.


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