5 Question You Need To Ask When Hiring A Mobile App Development Company

We usually came across with the client stories about the sufferance during their journey of app development , when they initially engaged with app development company . This problem can be overcome by asking them a set of few question , before starting any of your project .

1) Will I Own The Source Code

Imagine you have paid for the whole software , and at the end you are getting only the end product and not the source code . This is nothing other than intentionally holding the right of your application and its intellectual right . Suppose you want to change something in application or want to add on some things , then that developer might charge the price they want and will do work as per their working condition . Secondly , when you want to search for the investors or want to hire own developers , then at that point also you will be requiring source code . 

Everyone's has limited budget , but leaving the source code to any app developer is bad idea just to save few bucks. 

2) How Will You Estimate Cost & Schedule Of My Project

Every client is curious at the very first stage of development about knowing the cost of the project and the time it will take to develop the whole project . Well that's a difficult question !! It can be predicted correctly only if you have the correct estimate of the project . It's really been difficult to give the correct time on over just 5 minutes phone call . Be wary of firms who offers low bid on your project without understanding your requirement , after a brief meeting with you . They might just want to grab the new project , and probably not bothered about understanding your needs . These type of vendor is good at the beginning but later on will create a huge problem for you and your project . 

Well when talking about the time , time can only be estimated in technical field if you have the correct known requirement for your project . But in case you find later on few additional things which are required in your app , then obviously it will take additional time . So handling this kind of situation , you must go on with the hourly basis pricing with your developer , as fixed pricing is generally proven bad for your project .

3) If I Am Not Happy With How A Project Is Progressing , Can I Get Out Of Contract ?

Always make sure that you have the ability to get out of the project or any type of agreement with development company  , if you are unsatisfied with your experience . At any point you must have the ability to get the source code and design and move on to some other developer . After all you are paying for the services , and its your choice whether to choose the one or other developer .

4) Can I Meet In Person With App Developers And Designers

If your developers don't have the question to this answer , then that agency is 100 % outsourcing your project to freelancer or any other contractor . That is obviously not the way Winklix work . You can meet our developers and designer spread over Noida , Pune , Mumbai , New York and London .

5) How Do You Test ?

If someone tells you testing is basic QA after the app building , then you must not choose that app development company.  Testing is an important part of the project and should me implemented throughout the developmental process . At Winklix , we offer different testing methods to ensure bug free delivery of the mobile application .



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