How Automobile Industry Is Influenced By IoT
The Internet of Things is a technology that is making a buzz in every possible form it can . The IoT that we see in present world is just the glimpse of the technology , and there is lot more to come in near future . Automobile is one of those industry that has adopted IoT to discover many aspects from it . So the million dollar question arises here is what are the infinite possibilities with this technology and what can we expect in the near future ?
The Automobile-IoT In The Past
There are various automated and semi automated features that exists for over a decades in automobile industry . For instance , the GPS system that we use was introduced in late 60's by General Motors - American Automotive Giant for its driver aid programme that was similar to the concept of modern GPS system , but was based on ground based infrared system rather than modern satellite system, .
Later in 90's General Motors in association with OnStar was successfully able to implement navigation system in CDMA phone , which has now become an obsolete one .
The Smart Cars Of Today
From the age of using circuits to going digital in present world , drastic change has been seen . 21st century has aid us in seeing the technologies that we have only thought of . Navigation , Cab Services , Entertainment are just some of the aspects of the modern technology in car . There has been endless possibilities once the software application have started connecting with mobile devices . It is the outcome of the technology war for the things with which we are living today , and the war is still going on to discover endless possibilities . The self driven car that no one have either think of has been bought into life in distant future and its creditability is improving day by day .
Automotive industry has got boost and the result of which is automated features and better access .
Self Driven Cars
There are few self driven cars available today like Google's Waymo , Tesla cars and more . Tesla cars has recently announced that all its cars will be self driven which we can say is a huge step towards a house of automated products .
Many More Things Yet To Be Discovered
IoT has just taken its first step in the technology market , and it has to driven millions of kilometre ahead to harness its full functionality . The things done so far is remarkable and will help in creating more things in future . But this is the known fact that idea of self driven car will take over decades to come into effect in reality . IT industry is trying hard to build something great in near future .
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