Choosing between objective c and swift is a very difficult choice to make. It takes many factors to consider before adopting a certain language. It is one of the most common questions asked by the developers. You have to keep in mind that no single point should dominate your decision. You should only decide after examining all the factors.

Experience with objective c vs. swift

First of all, observe that if you have experience with objective c or swift. If you have equal knowledge about both the languages, then you have to see other parameters like third party library compatibility, API support etc. 
But if you have knowledge of a particular language, then you must stick to it unless a project forcefully requires you to work on other language. If you work on other language then there is a benefit attached to it, you get to learn about the language. This helps you see both sides of the coin i.e. learn both languages.

Timeline, Scope and Scale

App Timeline

If you have hard timeline, then you must stick to the language which you know better because using an unfamiliar language will cost you time and money. But if you have a soft timeline or no timeline, then you may use the unfamiliar language. 


In today’s times, the number of objective c users is quite large as compared to swift but swift is a relatively new language. Many objective c users are shifting to swift. It is better to swift as swift is considered to be the future language.


Small projects can use any language but with the bigger projects, it is better to use objective c as swift is an immature language and whenever a new swift version comes out, the build gets broke which can be very irritating for the developers.

Technical Considerations

The XCode team has done a brilliant work in upgrading the build process to help Swift. If you want a robust support provided by modern IDEs, then you must stick to the objective c. Objective c runtime is much more robust than the swift. Swift is much more reliable and safer language due to its strong typing system and error handling. Swift manages the memory more smoothly and provides some descent wrappers. But importing of C++ code is much simpler in swift as compared to the swift. So it all depends on your project need, which language you want to use to develop the app. Go through all the above factors before choosing one particular language.

Winklix provides IOS solutions

Whether you want your app in objective c or swift, we develop all kids of apps. We are an award app development company who has a highly skilled team. We have a very high proficiency in developing android and IOS apps. If you have a good idea about an app and wants to develop it, contact us as soon  and we will help you in developing your idea into an app.  


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