Importance Of End User Engagement In Software Development
This is the situation with every company . Your organisation decided to choose a software development company which suits your exact needs . You found the right vendor and provided them with all the relevant needs . You are fully aware about the software development will automate all thing in the organisation thereby easing the day to day workings of the company . But its the hard known fact that if you are not the end user of the product , then it is not your need which should be valued most . This is the practical situation with many organisation while providing the details SRS ( Software Requirement Specification ) with the software development company . So following the user centric approach , the outcome always comes like flower .
When To Engage End User
It has already been seen that how a poorly implement software which is not tailored according to end user need may abandoning a software or no longer use of product thereby decreasing the sales and overall working efficiency of the organisation . Choosing a mass vendor CRM like SalesForce consultant or improving the existing system is another side of coin , however preventing the user dissatisfaction is the most important past in software development . Lets quickly catch the process at which end user participation is necessary to ensure project success :
Requirement Gathering
Whenever you are planning to adopt some new software system in your organisation , your goals must be crystal clear and you should be futuristic about what will be the overcome of the same . Considering these two factor will help you choose the product that best fits for your organisation . After all you are already aware about the outcome of the software you want as problems are already been exposed and solved .
It is not enough of getting the requirement and identifying the main problem only. You need to mandatory test the solution by test engineers as well as end user which facilitates them with the glimpse of the software making software friendly with end user . So before getting live , testing must be done by the organisation experts and end user and they found it something difficult they can tell their customer software development company to alter the same according to their own requirement .
Why Engage End User
Redeveloping a software by hiring some software development agency is very costly investment . But wait you are lucky as you can avoid these cost by engagement of the end user .because :
- They know exactly where the problem is arising and share their knowledge of possible solution of the problem as they are aware about other software also , thereby eliminating assumption .
- Since product should be both useful and user-friendly in the ladder of success , user comments and advice is most needed .
- It is almost the case with every second user that they must have experience other software development solution which helps them to determine the pros and cons of the software , and it also helps you to create something unique in order to be better from the crowd .
- End user get to know the module of the software that may not new working properly , and you must welcome the comments and suggestion of the end user so that you can actually avoid the problem while developing a software solution .
To Sum Up
While it is impossible to meet all the user needs , however keeping in mind the requirement of all the user ensures project success and improves efficiency of the organisation . Providing a product is not the only job of software development company but making it useful and user friendly is more important . So welcoming end user comments together with the end to end testing of the product is what we can say is important for any product delivery , in order to minimise waste and save money .
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