How Mobile App User Has Changed Today ? And What Actually They Need In Mobile App

As the new era of app development has began due to recent improvement in technology and coming of AR/VR and machine learning , people are considering it as a miracle of technology . As a result of which user expectation from the app has now reached to next level . Now we all have smartphones full of apps which we use in our daily life for various purposes . Now lets quickly see how mobile app behaviour has changed .

User Are Expecting Live Interactive Elements 

It's been usually seen now that if you are offering a static screen in your app , they will get bored . Now in order to attract and  retain the user , the screen should move . In order for app to get success in present world it must offer a rotating app, tips to use apps , offering them slide here and there feature to play around the app , giving them notification which they complete performing the task and more .

These all can be achieved by hiring a mobile app development company who has awesome team of designer who can create the interaction according to needed scenario .

They Look Forward To Personalisation 

This is the most common tricks followed by any sales guy , in which they try to interact with the customer to gain trust and sympathy . This case is same in case of mobile apps . Now user expect the apps by which they are interacting should offer them personalisation in order to make the life of the user easier . For instance , Amazon shows items on the basis of search history on its home page .

User Looking For Simplified Authentication & Registration Process

Many of the mobile apps and we services required prior authentic and signing up before using the app. Many of the past apps have offered a long form with authentication process which have tested the user patience , due to which customer patience has got broken.

And herein explain the most awkward movement , user want to get the full access of the app and at the same time the personal information of the app should no where gone in wrong hands - which simply means apps should be made in such a way that it does not take any personal information of the user and at the same time appropriate measures should be taken for data hacks .

The best possible solution that present time developers do is they offer registration via social media or facial or voice recognition which facilities simple authentication .

User Want Data Synchronization 

User consider they value for time and comfort . And that is the reason they want data sync to get it accessible from any of the devices . Whether they are working from office or are at home , data should be sync and accessible from anywhere . The best example is Google And Apple , who have left no way to access and store data on drive and iCloud and it can be easily accessible from anywhere .

User Expect Apps To Fulfil Their Desire

In present world , a mobile app can keep a track record of the type keywords on your keypad and can give you suggestion according to the recent chat history . At the same time advancement in technology such as Apple Watch measure your time to time heartbeat and physical activity in various situations , and can also have the capability to predict when you can wake up in the morning , all possible because of Machine Learning ( MI) . 

Thanks to Machine Learning ( MI) , by which mobile app has reached to next level , although it is still in developmental stage and we can expect much more in next future from it .

User Want To Tap , Swipe , Drag In App 

Gone are those these when button is the only way to interact on mobile phones . Now the evolution of touch phones has begun which evolves gestures and tapping . Gestures gives a real world natural experience and thereby fits with the way we want to interact with the objects .

User Like Voice Control 

In the very first decade of introduction of phone , it was necessary to tell telephone operator the number you want to connect with . Then this process was automated and now voice control has been introduced wherein usually the numbers are getting recognised by giving voice commands . The ability of mobile to function as per your voice command has opened the new doors of voice control .

Closing Remarks 

We have seen that user are becoming more choosy and demanding . As the result of which in order to get the best app delivered you must choose an app developer who can offer you the implementation of the latest technology in the app and takes into account the changes that have happened to customer.


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