Which One To Choose : Native Or React Native For Mobile App Development ?
Thinking of mobile application development ? Want your app to be the best among them , then why not to choose the best platform for developing the mobile app . The app developer has to come across with many challenges in the process of development of app . But the most important decision being choosing the right platform by mobile app developer . Lets restrict our discussion to choosing between React Native and Native. Let's first discuss what exactly it is :
Native Application
While planning of building a native application , the app developer is constraint to use some specific tools and languages for developing an mobile app . For instance an app developer in planning to develop an Android app , then he must be developing the app in android studio with Kotlin or Java as a developmental language . This necessarily means an app developer have to be platform specific while working with different operating systems , the most common being Android and iOS .
React Native
React native on the other hand is platform developed by Facebook and is open source in nature . The most famous app that is using react native being Facebook , Instagram , Skype and more . The introduction of web development in the field of mobile app development is made possible because of JavaScript . Android and iOS platform can be created on one go with this platform using a single code and that's so with high end performance . We all know the performance of Facebook app , isn't so ?
Comparing Native And Reactive Native
Based On Documentation
In going thought the documentation , both Native and React Native are at equal levels . Even the app build by using both of the languages measures equally .
Web Application
When discussing about web applications , react native always stands ahead of native . In respect of various technicalities also , react native always perform well . We can say when we are using React.JS , then need of we programming is not necessary , but while talking about native app , it is not at well linked with web development .
App Performance
While talking about the performance , native app always stand above all in terms of performance . Using react native we can build various simple apps , but when it comes of implementing latest technology in the application like Blockchain , IOT , AR and more , it would create trouble while trying to play with React Native , and the other side of the coin Native will work best with them .
Cross Platform App Development
The complete app relies on web backend , without which an mobile app will be of no use . In respect to these native application offers ease in coding process .
Comparing The Ease
It is quite obvious that React Native is based on javascript languages and hence will be quite easy to learn and implement , whereas on the other hand native app can be build using Java , Swift code which is platform specific and harder to learn .
Based On Third Party Integration
In respect of third party api integration also native application are far better than react native . As it offers the best support for API integration
Both Native and React Native are two sides of coin and have their own pros and cons . It depends on you what kind of app you are looking to develop , and can choose your language for developing mobile app accordingly.
Alternatively you can hire best mobile app development company who can guide you to the all of the process and can develop the app for you which can perform its best .
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